Main 함수

1. Main

메인 함수입니다.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // LoadLibrary(TEXT("injdllx64.dll")); // // return 0; // SetConsoleCtrlHandler(&CtrlCHandlerRoutine, TRUE); // // Stop any previous trace session (if exists). // TraceStop(); // // Parse command-line parameters. // if (argc == 2) { TCHAR DriverLocation[MAX_PATH]; SetupDriverName(DriverLocation, sizeof(DriverLocation)); if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-i")) { printf("Installing driver...\n"); if (DoInstallUninstall(TRUE)) { printf("Driver installed!\n"); } else { printf("Error!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-u")) { printf("Uninstalling driver...\n"); DoInstallUninstall(FALSE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } printf("Starting tracing session...\n"); ULONG ErrorCode = TraceStart(); return ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }

1.1 SetupDriverName

드라이버의 이름을 문자열로 생성하고 드라이버 핸들을 획득하는 함수입니다.
BOOLEAN SetupDriverName( _Inout_updates_bytes_all_(BufferLength) PTCHAR DriverLocation, _In_ ULONG BufferLength ) { HANDLE fileHandle; DWORD driverLocLen = 0; // // Get the current directory. // driverLocLen = GetCurrentDirectory(BufferLength, DriverLocation); if (driverLocLen == 0) { printf("GetCurrentDirectory failed! Error = %d \n", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } // // Setup path name to driver file. // if (FAILED(StringCbCat(DriverLocation, BufferLength, TEXT("\\" DRIVER_NAME ".sys")))) { return FALSE; } // // Insure driver file is in the specified directory. // if ((fileHandle = CreateFile(DriverLocation, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("%s.sys is not loaded.\n", DRIVER_NAME); // // Indicate failure. // return FALSE; } // // Close open file handle. // if (fileHandle) { CloseHandle(fileHandle); } // // Indicate success. // return TRUE; }